Need: Right Location, Good Depth, and Good Bottom
Determine 7:1 ratio factoring in freeboard + water depth + tidal change
Motor into the wind slowly and bring to a stop.
Then as you begin to reverse very slowly, shout to anchor deploying crew to deploy anchor.
Have them let out anchor chain and rode to desired length then bring to a stop or even move forward slightly so they have slack to clear off the rode.
Then into reverse very slowly to challenge or set the anchor.
Once set, challenge in reverse further for 1 minute at low RPMs but above idle.
Once complete cut engine.
Deploy Sentinel by carabiner clip to rode, and holding bitter end release to depth that is enough to be below boat's keel.
Open a beer.
Reinforced that the proper technique is to Point, Assign a Spotter, Move to a Beam Reach, Go 8-10 Boat Lengths, Tack Back Toward Victim (keeping victim on windward side), Reduce Sails to Slow, Head Up to Victim and Reduce Sails Completely, Pull in Victim.
Tradewinds uses only fresh water to flush, which requires some extra steps. We can use a gallon jug of water in the head to make this easier.
Keep valve turned toward Holding Tank.
Before using the head add fresh water to bowl.
Do not dispose of paper in bowl. Throw them away in plastic garbage bag.
Flush on Dry setting because we do not want to use saltwater to flush.
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