Sunday, December 14, 2014

Nothing to see here

Seriously, not much to report. The last week in Northern CA included what the media would have us believe was Stormageddon. The media hype contributed to every school district in the region being closed last Thursday. It was the combination of incredibly high winds and 3-6" of rain that had people scared. In reality, we did have 36 mph wind and 4" within 24 hrs. But they came in order. First the crazy wind, then the downpour. 

I had brought a large and very thick (10 mils, I think) white tarp to the boat. I used a wood burning knife  to cut a slit down the rear middle to accommodate topping lift and the backstay. I used around a dozen bungees to hold it down. I had felt good about it before the weather report said gale force winds. 

I wasn't hopeful there'd be anything left, but I did a better job than I thought. There were two reinforced grommets that had pulled out, which is a pain. But all told, I replaced a few bungees that had pulled out and it's all good again for the rain which will come again tonight.

A quick check down below decks revealed that we had no leaks. That was the real goal. I have no idea if it was the tarp, so I'll just be glad. 

I also restocked the fridge with Tecate and wine. And dropped off a nautical pillow my wife bought for the boat last week. 

My daughter and I are hoping that next Saturday there isn't any rain because she'd like to have a sleepover on Hideaway with a friend. 

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