Saturday, November 29, 2014


I was able to entertain my first boat visitors on Thanksgiving since dinner was hosted by my wife's Uncle Thom and family, which is where Hideaway is docked. There was almost zero wind the last couple of days, so sailing wasn't in the cards. So I handed out beers and we all just chilled for an hour or so listening to old CDs I had burned years ago and stowed on the boat. Apparently, I bought just about the worst beer possible, Steel Reserve. In trying to buy someone in cans and avoid typical American beers, I selected something called Reserve which means this marketer fell victim to another marketer. I always thought malt beverages with 8% alcohol came in 40 oz bottles. Well, most of us suffered through it, and chilled to U2 and Genesis. 

I also returned the canvas cover to the cockpit, which I had stepped on and torn the seams in several places. Not having a sewing machine, I had to hand stitch about 5' of seams, and it ain't pretty. But it should be functional. This cover doesn't keep rain out completely so it's as much for protection from seagull crap. I also added a small tarp I had at home for more rain protection. 

Which is good because last night started several days of rain. We should get 3-5" and I'm hoping that doesn't mean much leaking inside. But checking for leaks is a good excuse to go over and putter around. I love that. 

Next up are fabricating replacement bilge covers. Need to get some marine grade plywood, mahogany for the top parts and noble fir for the 1/2" bases for strength (it's cheaper than the mahogany). And I have some basic plans for a large tarp cover over the boom and extending to the stern. I ordered a super large tarp and a marine zipper which I can use around the backstay. Wish me luck.

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